Yellow Rose, Peckham.

Yellow Rose, part of the Rye Hill Park series, will appear in a slideshow of images in this years London Independent Photography Exhibition. The exhibition take place at The Strand Gallery and runs from Tuesday 16th until Sunday 28th October. Gallery hours are Monday to Saturday 10am to 7pm and Sundays 11am to 6pm.


Yesterday we drove down to Folkestone hoping for high tides and rain. We got a bit more than we bargained for rain wise! Me and PJ got a good drenching when we walked out to the old railway station on the pier as we used our raincoats to protect the cameras. We got some great motion in the water though, and even a nice rainbow once things had calmed down a little. These photos form part of the Into the Ocean Series.

I now have a page on Facebook where I will post details on upcoming shoots and projects.